Lies Still Told About the Sodomites

lgbtq meditations on religious meanings

David Wade Chambers
11 min readJan 21, 2020
Hunting for proof that God hates lgbtq love. Photo by Nathan Bingle on Unsplash

And what is good, Phaedrus
And what is not good —
Need we ask anyone to tell us these things?

— from the dialogues of Plato


One Sunday morning in 1958, I was sitting in the Seventh and James Baptist Church in Waco, Texas, listening to a sermon by a visiting preacher devoted to ideas about Christian approaches to “living the good life.” In the midst of his message the preacher allowed himself a tangential swing into the evils of homosexuality. He first made clear his belief in God’s repugnance towards such depraved behavior, and then with a sly and self-assured smile, he looked down from the pulpit and straight into my eyes (at least so it seemed to me at the time).

“I don’t know a quicker way to take yourself straight to hell and eternal damnation,” he intoned with a quickening tempo and slightly rising inflection in the pitch of his voice, and curiously with an enormous smile on his face. Unbelievably to me, his largely collegiate congregation responded, after a brief pause, with laughter, a deeply melodious and decidedly male affirmation of the pastor’s words. I was seated close enough to the front to see the sparkle in his eyes that conveyed the…



David Wade Chambers
David Wade Chambers

Written by David Wade Chambers

Retired in Australia. PhD, Harvard (History of Science) Creator of Draw-a-Scientist Test:

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